Voltage in the Wire

Jazz inflected groove with a nod to music of the Middle East gives a dark and unflinching look at human frailty and the consequence of our choices.

Alt Rock, Soundtrack, Songwriter, Spoken Word, Dramatic, Hypnotic, Poetic, Gritty, Trip-Hop, World, Jazz, Noir

  • This small man goes bumpin' to the top
    where the sad man sits shattered and lost
    There were two men in the ring for a night
    Neither man had a stomach for the fight

    This blonde chick goes bendin’ for some cash
    where tha blue girl’s slippin’ roofies down the hatch
    both women with a leper’s luck to lose
    skippin’, flippin’ in some shiny shiny shoes

    When one turns on the other turns on the other turns
    When one takes a swing, takes a drink, takes another never learns
    When one turns on the other turns on the other turns
    When one takes a swing, takes a drink, takes another never learns

    Two kids wearing daddy’s pistol just for fun
    Swipen’ comics, Shootin’ bottles, Chewin’ gum
    One trips, loses balance, on the curb
    Nails the other, in the silence, not a word

    Two men, cutting corners, carved in steel
    Shaking hands, behind our backs, cementing deals
    Both, tongue waggers wielding armies, might and fire
    Set a scene, where no one will escape the voltage in the wire

    When one turns on the other turns on the other turns
    When one takes a swing, takes a drink, takes another never learns
    When one turns on the other turns on the other turns
    When one takes a swing, takes a shot, takes another never learns


Beyond the Size of Me


Twin Flame